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Your Body - a Complex System

Our human body, when in balance, has remarkable self-healing capabilitities. To restore this balance, my practice focuses on holistic orthopedics. Whether your current state of imbalance is caused by a traumatic injury, over-use, weakness, or a post-operative state, I will develop a treatment diagnosis and plan for your positive recovery.

Together we can improve your strength and stamina, as well as your mobility, and performance. You will find excellence in treatment in a caring environment to improve both your healing process and your quality of life.


Neck Pain and Headache

Neck structures can be strained through habitual posture, muscular weakness, overuse, accident, traumatic injury, or post-surgical trauma. This muscular dysfunction can be present as:

  • radiating pain in the upper back or arm

  • numbness

  • weakness

  • tingling

  • headache

  • jaw pain

To design customized treatment for positive, long term results, we locate the source of your pain. We work together to release and strengthen tight muscles, thus decreasing pain and restoring motion by:

  • applying manual therapy

  • hands on techniques

  • practicing corrective and stabilizing exercises

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Shoulder Pain

Disruption or dysfunction of muscles, tendons, or ligaments can cause pain and inflammation in the shoulder area. There are joints in the shoulder that are unique in the human body, requiring specialized treatment.

To promote healing and to enable pain-free motion of your shoulder, and to also reduce the likelihood of further injuries, critical components to effective treatment are:

  • hands on treatment

  • increasing awareness of the proper mechanics of motion

  • building strength by exercising a low load of high repetitions in a range of motion that does not hurt

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Back Pain or Scoliosis

Back pain can be caused by a variety of sources such as traumatic injuries, post-surgical trauma, weakness of stabilizing muscles, degenerative conditions.

Back pain and scoliosis manifest themselves in just as many ways: Patients can present with leg pain, sciatica, numbness, weakness, tingling, and many other serious complaints.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. Treatment takes into account the individual's specific curve, and is designed to specifically treat that curve using the postural muscles and muscles of breathing. Causes of scoliosis:
a genetic component is most common, or it can be a response to healing following trauma or surgery.

If scoliosis is identified early, while growing as a child, curvature and wedging can be minimized or reversed through exercise and bracing (three-dimensional correction via Rigo-Chêneau brace). In adults, curvature is treated to reduce pain, to improve breathing and organ function, as well as to prevent progression of the curve.

For long-term improvements, when addressing back pain or other spinal conditions, I may apply:

  • manual therapy

  • hands on techniques to release tight muscles, which decrease joint pain

  • corrective exercises to help restore motion at stiff segments

  • stabilizing exercises to reinforce and strengthen the muscles to maintain position and keep the pain at bay

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Pain in Elbow, Forearm, Wrist or Hand

Common causes of arm and hand pain include injuries, such as fractures, sprains, or strains, and overuse injuries (e.g. musicians and athletes). Sometimes, the pain can come from postural issues that cause radiating pain from the neck or shoulder.

  • Manual therapy helps return normal function by moving the muscles - which are packed together in the forearm - separately.

  • A customized plan of exercises will gradually stretch the affected area of discomfort, restoring balanced strength between the flexor and extensor muscles to regain and maintain full range of motion.

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Hip Pain

Hip pain felt in the side of the hips is often caused by correlated structures such as the buttocks, the lower back or the bursa under the iliotibial band. Pain in the groin area may be caused by the hip joint itself, such as structural bony features, cartilage, labrum or arthritis.

  • Manual therapy supports us increasing the available range of motion for immediate use during exercise and functional treatment.

  • When exercising on the hips, we will focus on creating a stable level pelvis so your balance is secure.

Depending on your initial ability, we can begin with exercises lying down or supported standing in a pool. As you progress, we increase the exercise load and eventually include body weight standing up.

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Knee Pain

Knee pain is often caused by a disruption of muscles controlling the knee, hip, or ankle, tendons or ligaments within the knee and leg, or other internal joint injury.


We will work to create an optimal knee alignment, which is key for gaining strength and control, and additionally has a significant effect on reducing pain. Therapy includes:

  • manual treatment releasing restricted tight connective tissue

  • exercises increasing strength and flexibility over time

  • brace and/or orthotic to supports progress, if needed

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Foot Pain

Foot pain is often caused by strain and weakness in the muscles of the foot contributing to poor alignment of the toes or ankle while walking. Foot pain can occur due to sudden trauma, arthritis/degeneration, or other joint inflammation.

Treatment of foot pain includes evaluation of motion or restriction of the feet, toes, and ankle during problematic movements. Therapy includes:

  • guided exercise to improve the performance of movement

  • joint mobilization

  • active release

  • targeted stretching Home Exercise Program (HEP)

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Balance Difficulty

Balance difficulty, often triggered by specific changes in your head’s position, can result in brief episodes of mild to intense dizziness. Positional vertigo (BPPV) is caused by the inner ear. It gives you a sudden sensation of spinning, but is usually well treated with:

  • positioning treatments

  • eye exercises

  • supported progressive standing exercises


Balance difficulties due to reasons other than positional vertigo (BPPV) can improve with practiced balance training which fosters confidence to step safely in any direction:

  • strengthening exercises

  • coordination exercises

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